Letting the user manual do the work

By Denise Bladon

- AST team member

Why it’s important to allow your customer to have a great experience through a user manual

Why it’s important to allow your customer to have a great experience through a user manual

Have you ever put together flat pack furniture without a set of instructions, only to stop stressed and irritable halfway through, because you chose to go it alone, paper free? Well written user manuals will help your customers get back on track and become more self-sufficient.

The reality is your products can probably be complicated, if you are taken out of the picture. While you may have a brilliant troubleshooting team at the end of a phone to help navigate some of the issues your customers may face, you could also use some form of technical document to support your users to make use of your products independently and the way you intended.

Having well considered, easy to navigate product manuals and user guides can set the tone for a brilliant user experience for your new customers and experienced ones alike. Whether it is to buff up their knowledge on a feature they haven’t used in a while or troubleshoot a specific problem; a well written technical document should be the bridge between you and your user, doing a lot of the work for you.